Yogurt Drink 1500ml
Pito’s yogurt drink is a delicious and nutritious drink that is produced with the best ingredients to create a unique experience for consumers.
In general, yogurt drink is a popular drink among Middle Eastern people and an integral part of the meals of the people of this region.
By adding yogurt drinks to your store shelves, you can gain loyal customers.
Unlike other harmful sugary drinks, yogurt drink has a smooth texture and creates a mild cooling sensation for the consumer when drinking.
Some of the Properties and Benefits of Pito’s Yogurt Drink are:
- Nutrients: Pito’s yogurt drink is packed with essential nutrients, including calcium, probiotics, and protein, making it a smart choice for health-conscious consumers.
- Packaging based on customer needs: Pito brand markets its yogurt drink in 2 types of packaging:
- 1.5-liter
- 0.5-liter
With this variety of packaging, your customers can use the simple 1.5-liter Pito’s yogurt drinks at home and parties. Also, 0.5-liter Pito’s yogurt drinks is suitable for meals at work or university.
- Good shelf life: Pito’s yogurt drinks have a shelf life of up to 6 months, like other ayrans of this brand.
- High demand: Many people would buy yogurt drinks to experience the taste of this drink as soon as they see yogurt drinks on the shelves of your store.
Purchasing Pito Brand’s Yogurt Drink
Pito’s yogurt drink with mint flavor is presented to you with the following specifications:
- 1500 ml
- Non carbonated
- Pasteurized and homogenized
- Each pack of 6 pieces
- Each pallet 504 pieces
nutritional values serving size 100g
- energy: 81kj/19kcal
- fat: 1g
- - of which saturates: 0.2g
- trans fat: 0g
- carbohydrate: 1g
- - of which sugars: 0.5
- fibre: 0g
- protein: 1.6g
- sodium: 310mg
- salt: 0.8g
- calcium: 100g
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